New – Long Range & Wild Bunch on FRIDAY!
Single fee even if you shoot both! $10 club member/$12 non-member

Long Range
Sign up 7:30 a.m., Shoot 8:00 a.m. at Tombstone Livery Long Range Annex
6 events (Distances given are approximate)
Long Range Pistol – 50 yds.
Long Range Rifle Pistol cal. – 100 yds.
Long Range Rifle Rifle cal. – 200 yds.
Long Range Single Shot – 300 yds.
Quigley – 220 yds.
Take No Prisoners:
5 rds. Rifle Pistol cal./5 rds Rifle Rifle cal./5 Pistol/1 Single Shot

Sign up 12:30 p.m., Shoot 1:00 p.m. at The Livery Cowboy Range
4 action packed stages! Round Count: Pistol: 84 Rifle: 17 S/G: 22
New: WB 7 rounds each magazine!
In an effort to create additional interest in the discipline, WB will increase magazine rounds to 7 rounds each on all stages at this event.
Saturday and Sunday, 10/21-22/17 - Cowboy Matches
Two 1-day Cowboy Matches (6 stages each day)
Fees will be collected each day $10 club member/$12 non-member each day