1 hour earlier
Registration opens at 7:00am
Match Starting at 8:00am
Beginning JUNE, JULY, AUGUST we will be starting monthly matches
1 hour earlier Registration opens at 7:00am Match Starting at 8:00am
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Well another year gone by.... A Huge thank you to all Board Members who worked to keep matches going in 2021. With all the shortages and public health challenges, we had matches every month and had over 360 members and visitors participate!!! Still however, half of our usual years pre- pandemic attendance.
It takes time and effort to run and manage these matches and a level of commitment by others to provide the opportunity for others to Shoot and enjoy the day. These efforts are lessened by having many volunteer their time each month to commute, write stages, set steel, register, score. and run the matches month in month out. Los Vaqueros is seeking those Cowboys and Cowgirls Who can commit to one monthly effort for the year to keep things going, that means for the month or months you can; help can be provided in any way possible, writing stages, set steel, scoring, and registration. Please reach out to me via this email, if you have questions and are interested in joining the club board supporting Los Vaqueros and Cowboy shooting for 2022 Thank you, E. Rooster Cogburn President Los Vaqueros A.H.S.A losvaqueros.org Los Vaqueros <[email protected]> SASS RO1 COURSE When: Thurs. 2/25/2021; 9AM-2:30-ish
Location: Tombstone Livery Clubhouse (in Tombstone, AZ) Directions: https://tombstonelivery.com Prerequisites: • There are no educational or experience prerequisites to attending a RO–I Course RO–I Courses are open to SASS members only Course Fee (paid at course): 1st Time students: $25 • Refresher students: $10 Pre-Registration/Questions: Pre-register by sending an email to Sassy Dancer at [email protected] or text/call 520-370-2634 Will take walk-ins, but you may not receive course handbook. Instructors: Taught by Blackjack Zak, Flying W. Ramrod, Alberta Annie, Sassy Dancer & Southwest Trapper What to Bring: • Shooters Handbook, RO1 Manual, Pen/Pencil • Pack a Lunch Shooters Handbook and RO1 Manual can be found at https://www.sassnet.com/Shooters-Handbook-001A.php This will be limited to the first 90 Participants for each day. Posses will be kept to the smallest minimum, therefore a choice of who you will shoot with and where will not be part of the process to ensure a safe match by this will just be assigned.
No Spotting Sticks will be used. Participants will bring exact change to reduce contact Match registrations will be done by board members and posse assignments will stand Remember to safely distance as best you can and please refrain from hugs and handshakes. October: 2 - 1 day matches Event registration- each participant will need to complete this form Please bring exact change for each day. Each day is a separate match and fees will be collected each day. Day 1- 17th $10.00 for Members and $15.00 for Non-Members. Day 2- 18th $10.00 for Members and $15.00 for Non-Members. Hello everyone, we are pleased to announce that we will be having a match in June. We have done a great deal of research with surrounding area ranges and other shooting organizations in Arizona to determine the best approach moving forward. The following conditions will be put in place starting in June and will continue every month moving forward until such time it is determined that these processes are no longer needed. We strongly recommend everyone wears a mask, the reason for this isn't what it says about you taking care of yourself, it shows you care about others. With that said if you are not comfortable around others that may not always be wearing a mask then you may not want to participate. We realize that it is summer in the desert and wearing a mask all day is not possible or practical, We do ask however that everyone does thier best to protect others. Also, we are requesting everyone to bring the exact change to the match that way there is no unnecessary handling of any materials and cuts down transmission or contact $10.00 for Members and $15.00 for Non-Members. During registration, we will be signing up individuals on their behalf also to cut down on contact by handling materials. Aditionally, Participants will sign a Covid waiver (below) Posses will be kept to the smallest minimum, therefore a choice of who you will shoot with and what bays etc, will not be part of the process to ensure a safe match you will be assigned. We will have some sanitizer available, we suggest that you bring what you can to also support your saftey. wipes, gel, liquid etc.
Looking forward to seeing you all again as we adjust to the current situation. ![]() Download Waiver, sign and bring to match, one will be required for each participant ![]()
2020 has certainly brought a whole new set of challenges across the globe- and as restrictions for gatherings have begun to be eased in many parts of the world, clubs have begun readying themselves to begin holding matches again. SASS’ number one priority has always been the safety of our members. As such, we have composed the below “Best Practices for Safety” guideline. Please understand this is only an outline meant to provide guidance. Above and beyond (or below) what is included in the document, all local and state mandates and restrictions pertaining to the COVID-19 Pandemic specific to your area take priority and must always be followed. Please take time to review the document, and reach out to your local club for any additional information on staying safe during this time. To download, print, or view the document, just click on the button below. Thank you for your continued support and dedication as we move forward with a vision of remaining the world’s greatest- and safest- shooting sport. ![]()
This message is to provide an update for all shooters that attend Los Vaquero's matches. Everyone has certainly seen the news and information flooding our ears and eyes much of it conflicting or unclear over many weeks. Our board has met to discuss all issues regarding hosting matches and how they would be held and what steps we can take moving forward.
Based on many variables, including how to conduct levels of social distancing, wearing masks in heat, staying hydrated, registering for the match, handling money, awards etc. are few things to consider while keeping people safe. There are also numerous opinions regarding when it is safe and each perspective of an individual varies greatly. With all of that said there is no "right answer" that works for everyone that all folks will agree with. Los Vaqueros has determined not to hold a May match. During this time our focus is to prepare on how to run a match responsibly and in the safest manner possible. We are looking at what other clubs are doing and other shooting sports and how they're hosting events and where and when including the number of individuals etc. Our plan moving forward is to resume in June. I have also spoken with Cowboy Doug (the Livery ) extensively and he also supports the decision. We realize many folks may agree with that decision and many may not, unfortunately, that is the state of a lot of things currently. The most we can ask is that individuals understand the decision and respect others concerns for everyone's health and safety as well as those of us who run the match and manage them on a volunteer basis. It takes a lot to put these together, and a lot more to get through this. We look forward to seeing those of you who come next month and wish you all good health and safety. There will be more news to come including a survey, modified range/stage rules and steps that we will exercise once matches resume. Thank you, Los Vaqueros A.H.S.A losvaqueros.org Training will be held at the...
Hosted by the Los Vaqueros TOMBSTONE LIVERY STABLE 919 W. Highway 82, AZ From Tucson on I-10: (it's very easy!) exit 303, which turns into Route 80, go thru Benson and St. David, continue approx. 15 mi. To intersection of Highway 82, (2 miles north of Tombstone) Turn RIGHT on 82 (west towards Nogales) Go ONLY 1/4 mi..... Then turn LEFT. Materials and Schedule3/28 ROI need to, download, and bring the Shooters Handbook and the ROI Manual. 8:00am Sign In 8:30am Start Class Approximately 11:30 Lunch 1 Hour- a sack lunch is recommended Approximately 3:30pm Finish 3/29 ROII need to bring the ROII Manual. 8:00am Sign In 8:30am Start Class Approximately 11:00 Lunch 1 Hour- a sack lunch is recommended Approximately 3:00pm Finish Eye and ear protection are required for this day How Much...... Sat March 28th RO I Training * New- First Time $25.00Refresher - $10.00 Sun March 29th RO II Training * New- First time $25.00Refresher- $10.00 Cash or Check Only will be accepted (payable to Wayne Edgin) Sign up here
Hey Cowpokes! Los Vaqueros is looking to see who is interested this year in getting RO training, it is always a great time to get a refresher and take the classes if you have not. Please let us know in the contact us page and what is a good month for you this year so we can see how many folks sign up.
![]() Hey Folks, Los Vaqueros is inviting you to clean out your old cowboy gear and bring it on down to the November 17th match and Swap meet. You never know Buy, Sell, Trade maybe find what you need or help another shooter get something useful. Firearms sales and transfers are subject to the laws of the United States and the home states of the Buyers and Sellers and compliance therewith is the sole responsibility of the transacting parties.
Howdy, Fellow SASS Club members I'd like to make sure your club members know about the New Mexico State SASS Match coming up on September 21-23, 2018, hosted by the Buffalo Range Riders club! We'd love to have cowboys and girls from your club shoot this match. It will be on Founder's Ranch (site of End of Trail) southwest of Edgewood NM, so all the flavor and ambience of the ranch can be enjoyed. This is a ten-stage match, with unlimited free dry camping. We'll have a side match day on Friday, 6 stages on Saturday and only 4 stages Sunday so as to let pards get on the road earlier. Awards will be given for out-of-state shooters, they just won't be eligible for NM State Champion awards. he match applications and vital information (including GPS directions and local camping or hotel accomodations) are available here. Or, pards can call me for more information. Garrison Joe (505) 221-0520 or email [email protected]. This will be your only email about this, so rest assured you won't be continually bombarded with more email. Thanks, pards! buffalorangeriders.org/index.php Garrison Joe, Match Director Our club and its members have been offered a FREE subscription to the digital version of American Shooting Journal.
A monthly magazine that is dedicated to bringing the best in content and industry focus to all of America’s shooting sports enthusiasts. Our passion comes from the people; the protectors, the competitors, the hunters, the safety conscious and most of all anyone who is dedicated to the industry. Every issue offers great human-interest stories, training and tactical advice, gun and gear reviews, historical highlights and more. There is truly something for everyone. Here is a link to the June edition for you to view. http://issuu.com/mipgroup/docs/am_6-18_web_344cadd7b75eb1?e=3703403/62110797 If you are interested in receiving a link to further issues, please reply back to John Rusnak <[email protected] with the address that would like emailed each month. Or visit their website americanshootingjournal.com and click on Get A FREE Digital Magazine link. There is no cost or obligations. Anyone can opt out at any time. BORDERTOWN WARM-UP EXTENDED TO 3-DAY EVENT 10/20-22/17! New – Long Range & Wild Bunch on FRIDAY! Single fee even if you shoot both! $10 club member/$12 non-member ![]() Friday, October 20, 2017 Long Range Sign up 7:30 a.m., Shoot 8:00 a.m. at Tombstone Livery Long Range Annex 6 events (Distances given are approximate) Long Range Pistol – 50 yds. Long Range Rifle Pistol cal. – 100 yds. Long Range Rifle Rifle cal. – 200 yds. Long Range Single Shot – 300 yds. Quigley – 220 yds. Take No Prisoners: 5 rds. Rifle Pistol cal./5 rds Rifle Rifle cal./5 Pistol/1 Single Shot ![]() Wild Bunch Sign up 12:30 p.m., Shoot 1:00 p.m. at The Livery Cowboy Range 4 action packed stages! Round Count: Pistol: 84 Rifle: 17 S/G: 22 New: WB 7 rounds each magazine! In an effort to create additional interest in the discipline, WB will increase magazine rounds to 7 rounds each on all stages at this event. Saturday and Sunday, 10/21-22/17 - Cowboy Matches Two 1-day Cowboy Matches (6 stages each day) Fees will be collected each day $10 club member/$12 non-member each day Well folks is has been a long time since we have had to do much on the cost side of things but our range rates went up this year and we had to raise the fees in order to help offset the club costs.
The new Fees and Membership for our regular, monthly matches are $10.00* for Members and $12.00* for Non-Members. *New Match Rates Increase is effective 1/1/2017 ![]() we are going to add the Hired Gun and Outlaw categories to our matches. Basic description; any age, either gender, regular SASS clothing, shot duelist or two handed. Firearms; one SASS legal main match S.A. no pocket pistols or Schofield’s or other top breaks of any kind. One SASS legal main match rifle. One sass Legal 1897 pump or 1887 lever shotgun. Any propellant, any SASS legal main match calibers. Based on 10 H, 10 R, 4 + S format, a mandatory 5 rnd handgun reload, off person, is required. Normal rifle procedures. The shotgun will be pre-loaded w/4 in magazine and handled and staged as rifle. Any additional shotgun rnds after 4 load off person or staged |
Copyright 1985 - 2025 Arizona Historical Shootist Association